Thursday, December 8, 2011

So it is written...

Lately I've been digesting a lot of Paul Coelho's writing, who seems to mirror a lot of my own thoughts but who can phrase them so much more eloquently.  Whenever I read one of these familiar phrases I ask myself why am I reinventing the wheel?  In fact, what is being said in this blog has been said many times over before...and not just by Paul Coelho, but also by the Bible, the Q'ran, Buddha, Lao-Tzu, self-help books, movies, poetry, comic books, etc. infinitum.  Does that mean I should stop?

The answer is an unequivocal "No", because no matter now many times a truism is repeated it needs to be expressed one more time by you in your own words for the most important audience of your life...yourself.

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