Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Course in Miracles - Day 8

My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.

Everything I know of the world is shaped by an experience of the past.  Therefore, without even realizing it I project past experiences upon the things I see instead of seeing them for what they are.

Because all my thoughts are based on events of the past, being preoccupied with them is a waste of time.  The past no longer exists.  It exists in my mind only when I am preoccupied with it.  And when I am preoccupied with the past, I no longer live in the present...which also means I am blocking myself from seeing Truth.

Every time I am preoccupied with the past or worried about the future, I am essentially at a stand still.  My mind may be busy, but there is no new knowledge nor is there personal growth.  Ironically, only when my mind is devoid of thoughts can I see clearly and receive new ideas and experiences, eventually leading to personal growth.

Neither past nor future is real...except in the minds of its creator.

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