Friday, December 30, 2011

Running with the Blinders On

It's amazing how much I don't see what's right in front of me.  I must have crossed the street and explored the path that surrounds Buffalo Bayou a thousand times since elementary school.  However, only today did that I find out about Glenwood Cemetery, an 84 acre landmark of Houston that is literally across the street from where I live.

Only today did I realize that the wild strawberry bush my siblings and I used to pick was at the edge of this cemetery.  If only we had walked another 100 feet beyond the strawberry bush, we would have seen this cemetery.

Only today did I finally understand why Memorial Drive is named "memorial".  The last President of the Republic of Texas, 4 Texas governors, and more than 20 Houston mayors are buried here.

Only today did I realize that if I had just stopped and looked past the trees that line Memorial Drive, I would have seen this famous cemetery.

Only today did I realize I have been running along Buffalo Bayou with blinders a horse with its blinders to prevent it from seeing anything else besides what's directly in front of it.

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