Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fear of Love

Yesterday's entry was about how Love satisfies all human needs.  Today entry is about its counterpart...Fear.

Love and Fear goes hand-in-hand.  One is never far from the other.  Love gives rise to Fear, which in turn gives rise to Love.  One consumes the other and at the same time let itself be consumed by what it consumes. This is why most of the time we think we are doing something out of Love, when in fact the whole time we are under the influence of Fear.

There is no easy way of knowing what we do originates from Love or from Fear.  Most of the time the outer appearance  of the two is identical.  When we get coffee for our colleagues, are we doing it because we know they enjoy coffee or is it because we're afraid they think us inconsiderate?  When we push our children to excel in school, are we fulfilling their potentials or are we fulfilling our own prideful needs?  When we fall in love, are doing it because we want to share the richness of love with another or are we doing it because we are afraid to be alone?

However same they appear to be, the consequence of one is very much different from the other.  Fear seeks to control others.  Love seeks only to control self.  If you love yourself enough not lie to yourself, you will always be able to tell the difference.

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