Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So Simple It's Scary

Life, from a certain point of view, can be extremely complicated.  Everyday, each of us has to juggle work, school, family, romance, kids, etc.  But in church today, Father Ezuma had a very simple message.  Just show up.

By simply being where we need to be, God will take care of all of the details.  It's no difference than doing a play, but this play requires no preparation from our part.  You just need to be at the right spot on stage.  God will give you all the directions and feed you all your lines.

Life can literally be this simple.  Enter from stage left.  Listen to God's directions.  When your lines are all done, exit stage right.  No worries, no planning, no expectations, no disappointments.  You just have to show up and listen.

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