Thursday, November 3, 2011


Do you ever wonder about the path that you take to work or to school each day?  You might pass a particular street corner in the morning.  And it is unlikely that you would pass that same corner again until later that afternoon or that evening.  And if you do it is likely to be from the opposite direction.  Well today, I passed by the same corner 4 times...just to answer a prayer.

It started with seeing a panhandler who I've never seen before.  Without his "Hungry...please  help" sign, he could have passed for any corporate executive on a weekend drive in his baseball cap and polo shirt.  Some might even say that he's too well-nourished to be hungry...but the eyes gave him away.  There was no doubt that he was hungry.  I knew I had to give him something but hesitated a little too long because by the time I reached for my wallet the light had turned green.

I told myself, "I'll give him something when I see him again."  But it was a lie to justify my hesitation.  I might never see him again.

I had planned to study after dropping off Sam at the babysitter's, but there was a gnawing feeling that I needed to be home.  I suddenly realized I needed to wait in person at home for a delivery.  So I headed for home.

When I approached that same corner again, I knew God had just given me a second chance to make good on my promise.  During the first the u-turn, God told me to give him xx.xx amount.  Of course, when I looked in my wallet I had that exact amount.  Normally I never  know how much I have exactly in my wallet.

So why is this event worth blogging?  People give money to panhandlers all the time.  But it is a milestone for me because I think I could almost hear the prayers of this hungry man.  This is how God answers our letting us hear prayers from one another.  God has answered many of my prayers through interventions from complete strangers...which never failed to amaze me and to bring me closer to the Him.  After all, isn't this what life is all about?

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