Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jesus...The King of Comedy

Why do we like comedians like Jay Leno, Bill Maher, and Jon Stewart so much? Because they show the absurdities of our fears. The authority figures we so fear and revere are shown to be just another human being with flaws and imperfections.

A kindred spirit of mine, whom I shall called the Monkey King, is about as irreverent as they come. He told me the other day that if a spiritual leader wouldn't come down from his perch to give you a hug, then he ain't s***.  OK, I'm paraphrasing here...but it doesn't change the fact that he's right.

Today I thought of how Jesus must have been when he was alive...not how they described him in the Scriptures, but how he really was. He definitely wasn't the type of guy that sits in the White House surrounded by hundreds of secret service men. Nor was he type that sits in the Vatican in gilded robes surrounded by Cardinals from the four corners the Earth. He wasn't even the type of guy that have disciples who follow him around and call him “Master”...that all started with Peter...

He was a guy that would sit among his the audience. He had no pulpit, no stage, nor throne. He was the kind of guy that gives you a hug when you feel alone, rock you when you hurt, and makes you laugh when you have the blues. In a world of gloomy perceptions, His positive attitude was the sun. He was the flame that drew in the moths. People didn't flock to Him because He was strong or powerful or rich. They flocked to Him because of one simple reason.  He loved them.

You may think I am being irreverent by using this kind of tone while talking about Jesus. Amen, I say to you, “reverence” is a word that needs to be deleted from your vocabulary. Reverence created division and distance. Reverence put one man above another. Reverence is a paper crown. It is as illusory as the position of authority that it supposes to regard.

There is no real “authority” on Earth.  God is the only authority.  Even God doesn't want your reverence. He only wants your love.

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