Sunday, November 13, 2011


The entry of 11/11/11 prompted a reflection on 10/10/10.  My best friend was able to dig up an email that revealed what I did a year, a month, minus a day ago.

It so happened that it was the same day that we held a 50-day mass service for V.  All the siblings made an effort to be in Houston that weekend...including N., who up to this point had gotten 2 other messages addressed to me from God.  It also so happened that N. sat next to me during the service, which was perfect because when she got God's message during the service she only had to whisper in my ear what she had just heard.  And it also happened to be right at the moment that I was asking God how I should leave Dubai when N. whispered the answer to me.

I had two options: should I wait 16 months to honor my contract with the hospital in Dubai or should I make a run for it and skip out in the middle of the night?  I had thought about a third option, which was to let hospital administration know about my intention of leaving my contract early, but I had a feeling that they would intentionally block all my exits and make my exit as expensive as possible once they learn about my intention.  God put all of my concerns to rest with his answer.  He told me I would be home within 3 weeks.

In reality it took me 3 months to get out of Dubai, because it took that long to tie up all the loose ends before I can get on the plane without worries that Dubai passport control could stop me.  Every red mark that is on a person's financial statement, employment record, driving record, or parking record would show up on the computer at a desk of a Passport Control officer.  It is Dubai's unique way of controlling their ex-pat population.  All retribution must be made before an ex-pat can leave the country.

But like all of God's messages, it was exactly what I needed to hear at the moment that I heard it.  The 3-week deadline stoked a fire in me and lifted me partially out of my depression.  I needed a purpose and focus.  God was giving me baby-steps back on the road to recovery.

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