Friday, November 11, 2011

The good stress?

After 2 weeks of preparing for exams, worrying about exams, and then actually taking those exams, my body is officially twisted in knots...or in TCM terms "stagnated Qi to the hilt".  But after the emptying of the hand yang ming organ this morning, I had observable evidence that my Qi is flowing again!

I took the last midterm exam last night, which explains why my Liver Qi is no longer stagnated.  But the "stress" of completing the mandala is still there.  It's been there for almost 2 weeks now.  Why isn't this stress causing Liver Qi stagnation?  Because this "stress" originates from the desire of my own creative soul.  It could be labeled as a "good stress" because this creative energy forces the body, mind, and soul to work together.

The more common form of stress puts us under a burden of compliance to an external demand.  We take tests to satisfy demands of teachers.  We work according to the rules of our employers.  We observe curfews according to the wishes of our parents.  All are demands from an external source.  All can potentially create an impression of obstructed freedom that lead to us being "stressed out".

Note:  This blog was actually completed on Nov 9th, 2011

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