Friday, April 13, 2012

A New Life- Excess and Deficiency part 2

The concept of excess of deficiency has been running through my mind often since this new life-changing event took over my life 5 weeks ago.  When I last talked about it, I learned that there is no such thing as fair or unfair.

The new revelation I am going to tell you today may offend your sense of righteousness.  And it's OK to feel this way initially.  However if it continues to upset you, then you must begin to question why you are having such a strong reaction to it.

There is no ownership...period.  The money in my bank account is not mine.  They money in your bank account is not yours.  The expensive stuff you spent years accumulating in your house is not yours.  The food in the grocery store is not the grocer's; nor is bread in the bakery belongs to the baker.

If this concept is too so far-fetched than perhaps you could apply it first to the parent-child relationship.  You don't own your child.  You merely are in charge of keeping him or her safe until he or she is independent enough to survive without you.

Everything that you own in the world is like your child.  You are merely keeping those items safe until they are needed (by you or by someone else).  And if someone else decides that he needs it more than you and takes it from you without your knowledge, then it's still OK.

I know MANY of you are outraged right now because it sounds like I condone stealing.  However, in a world of no ownership, there is no such thing as stealing.

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