Friday, April 13, 2012

A New Life 3- Sam

The discussion of a new life could not be complete without a discussion about Sam.  After all, the purpose of buying the house and the truck was about building an educational environment for Sam.

For several generations now, most of us have believed education is the road to success.  And it has been true to a certain extent.  However, not everyone is meant to succeed in the classroom; nor is everyone meant to be in college.

Sam is here to teach me about education (specifically what education can potentially be)...and hopefully how other parents can educate their children.

I think the Universe has already set a curriculum for Sam even before he was born.  In fact I think each of us has a curriculum tailored to our life purpose before we were born.

We human beings are not only "educated" by reading books and listening to professors in a classroom.  Some of us are educated through painful experiences, or through a chance meeting of with a kind stranger, or through our parents, or even through our children, etc.  This "Universe curriculum" is designed to make us be the best possible us that we are meant to be.  If we listen carefully to our own intuition, we can learn how to move from one lesson to the next until we are ready to take on the responsibility that we are meant to do.

As parents we are so fearful of ruining our children's future that we tend to defer all of our educational decisions to the so-called educational experts, who arbitrarily set one standard curriculum for everyone.  When our child shows no interest in what this standard curriculum teaches, we immediately think it's the fault of the child.

The future of education is inside each child.  This is who we should listen to.  The experts know nothing about your child, but you can be your child best listener.  And it must be you who must provide the right setting for your child to learn.  After all, God picked you specifically to be the parent of your child because you are the most qualified person for the job.

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