Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

A huge thunderstorm kept Houston wet and in the dark the whole day today.  Earlier today I tried to make small talk with my mom about the weather.  "It's quite a storm we're having," I said.
"The forecast on the news last night for today was 80% chance rain," she answered.
"Well, it's 100% now," I said.
"No, the forecast says 80%," she said.
"But it's raining right now!"
"Because the forecast for today was 80%!"
And so it went...

This story is not about how stubborn my mother is (although she can be very stubborn).  It's about how ridiculous I was before.  During my teenage years, I used to think if something is written in a book, it must be true.  I would believe a book over actually seeing what is in the book for myself.  I was a blind man reading about colors and thinking that I know what colors were.

Stop watching the weather forecast.  Go outside instead.

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