Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Night Out in Kowloon

It's always great to see a familiar face during a voyage, especially when you haven't seen that face in almost 16 years.  The layover in Hong Kong was on purpose.  My best friend Chor returned to Hong Kong after having lived in Houston during most of his twenties.  We met in Houston while doing a play together.

Having a personal guide, Samantha and I had no worries about getting lost or finding a bad meal.  But Hong Kong is modern, well-organized, and "mostly English-speaking" city, so even without a guide anyone can navigate the city without much difficulties.

The nightly Hong Kong skyline laser show is best seen from Kowloon and we took advantage of that fact.  We also took advantage of the local eateries, which are widely known for their low prices and excellent flavors.  Chor and I went totally local and ate at a corner congee shop, where menus are still hand-written.  Our nourishing meal wasn't more than 3 US dollars each.

During our walk of the city, I came across a window display of a pair of ivory and jade sculpture, in the form of dragons and horses respectively.  This pairing is symbolically important to us because Samantha's Chinese zodiac sign is the Dragon and mine is the Horse.  Samantha had a deeper insight that it represented Heaven and Earth.  Coincidentally, Samantha is strong in her upper chakras while I am solid in the root chakras...diametrically different but unquestionably dependent.  It was a perfect illustration of the Divine Duality.

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