Thursday, December 5, 2013

To Synchronize or Not

A series of related events unfolded sequentially and rapidly soon after my last entry.  I would normally refer to such a phenomenon as synchronicity.   A few years ago I might even be prompted to rush out and buy a lottery ticket whenever that happens.  I think I did that 5 times over the last decade.

It would be too costly for me to continue that practice today.  It seems like these synchronous events are occurring every week now.   So the questions on my mind lately are these:  Why are "synchronicities" occurring more often now than before?  Is something about to happen to the world?  Or has the world changed so much in the last few years?

If you have read any of this blog's previous entries, you probably have already guessed the answers to the above questions.  The world has not changed that much in the last few years.  It is me that has changed...and thereby causing the world around me to change.  Specifically my perspective and perception had changed; therefore, my reality changed.

The latest series of synchronicities started with a critical remark made by my mother and ended with me seeing Akira Kurosawa's Roshomon (1950) for the first time.  In between those two events there were many others (all of which had something to do with  perspectives and perceptions).  One of these noted events is my stumbling across a passage from Lonny Jarrett that states, "Every action has one of two consequences: it either perpetuates or dispels ignorance."  It is another way of saying that you may be in this world but you don't have to be of this world.  I can either choose to see things as they are (dispelling ignorance).   Or I can choose to see things through the distorted lens created by my own ego (perpetuating ignorance).

My guess as to why I'm noticing more synchronicities lately is because I have relaxed greatly the defining boundaries of my reality.  I wasn't a rigid person per se, but I think my "reality" was rigid.  It was based rigidly on "scientific facts" and "deductive reasoning".  If it couldn't be measured or quantified, then it doesn't exist.  That is to say, my reality was consistent with that of most people living in a modern, Westernized society.

When the accepted normal expectations of my reality is no longer acceptable, the limits of that reality start to break down.  And when boundaries, walls, and borders break down, it is much easier to see connections and relations between events, between people, between truths and mid-truths, etc.  The end result is that life becomes an endless stream of synchronicities.