Saturday, September 29, 2012


There are no such things as least not as how the Catholics define them.  But if there were, the greatest ones would be the lies that you tell yourselves. Before you can be ecstatically happy, you must first be brutally honest with yourself.  You must admit the truth to the one person with whom you can never get away with a lie...yourself.

All frustrations and anxieties result from the soul knowing the truth while having to co-exist with the untruths created in the mind.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Nothing is real...except for what you believe to be real.

Whatever bad that had happened to you are only bad because you define it to be bad.  Happiness begins with the realization that everything that has happened to you was either a birth of a miracle, a transformation of a miracle, or an aftermath of  a miracle.

Past regrets and future worries only take you away from the present...away from the living.

In life there is no moving forward or moving backward.  There is only growing or stagnating.  The choice is entirely up to you.

To save the whales, you must first save the algae and work your way up the chain.  To save the world, you must first put your own home in order.

In the search for greater understanding, don't waste time replacing your own box of wisdom with another seemingly bigger box.  Stay within your own box and extend its limits instead.

To replenish yin in a yin-deficient patient, you need true yang, because only true yang can generate true yin.

Competition assumes that everyone wants the same thing and that the things they want are in short supply.  Both assumptions are mere illusions instigated by the few to control the many.

The demons within are far more cunning than any demon you will ever meet in the street.

Life is a lot like surfing waves.  Don't fight them, but don't avoid them either.  Just ride.

When you hit bottom, there is no where left to go but up.

It's easy to forget about God when there are so many distractions.  Sometimes you have be at your loneliest before knowing that He has never left your side.